
Effective date: Sep 1, 2020

Last updated: 17 May 2024.

Welcome to meSO. The meSO app is provided and controlled by meSO Groupe inc. (“meSO”, “we” or “us”). We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy covers the experience we provide for users age 18 and over on our Platform.

Capitalized terms that are not defined in this policy have the meaning given to them in the Terms of Service.

What information do we collect?

We collect information when you create an account and use the meSO app. More information about the categories and sources of information is provided below.

Information you provide us and collect

To create an account on meSO, you must provide us with either your phone number or connect it to your Apple ID. The phone number you provide is used for account verification and helps us to identify you as you use the services of the meSO App. The Apple ID process is facilitated through secure authentication methods provided by Apple. By choosing to sign in with your Apple ID, you authorize us to access authentication information provided by Apple but not your Apple ID password or any other personal information associated with your Apple account.

You will also provide us with the necessary details to use our service. These include your first name, ethnicity, gender, date of birth, sexual orientation, and who you would like to connect with. As a user, you will be asked to share your location in order to use our services.

In the preferences option under settings, you can set your personal preferences you have in a partner. These include ethnicity, income, religious beliefs, political opinions, and marital status. As this preference section is optional, this data will only be used to enhance your experience on the meSO app and is not compulsory to use our services. You have the option of making this information visible to the public or not based on your consent.

meSO will also ask about your lifestyle, previous dating experience, and other relationship-focused questions.

meSO will ask for your consent to access your location services. The meSO app will use your location to give you better date matches within your local area - hence improving your experience on the app.

You may also add user-generated content such as pictures and videos. We will request access to your camera and photo album.  

When you choose to take part in our events and promotions, we collect information on your registration.

When you contact us - either through our social media networks or support teams, we collect the information you give us during the interactions in order to provide better services.

When you report (flag) a match request and/or a message in a chat with a user, meSO will manually review the content you and the other user have published to maintain secure services on our platform.

Information we get from others

Users may provide information about you if they interact with you and/or in the case they report your account.Through customer service inquiries, they may also provide information about you.

We may receive information about you from third party providers such as advertisers and other partners.

Information we get automatically

Certain information about you is automatically collected as you use the meSO app. These include internet services and other network activity information such as your IP address, geolocation-related data and other unique device identifiers.

We collect any user-generated data you generate on the meSO app, as well as your use and activity across all your devices tied to your phone number or similar information.

Device Information

We collect data on the device you use to access the meSO app. These include your IP address, unique device identifiers, mobile device model, time zone, operating systems, keyboard patterns, file names and type, screen resolutions and mobile career.

Location Information

We collect data about your location such as your IP address. Upon your consent, we may also receive information about your Global Positioning System data (GPS).


Metadata is data about your user content that may not always be visible, but is still captured and stored. Metadata is captured when you upload any user content that is connected to your profile. Information such as who, what, when and how is retained. Data such as your account name will enable other users on the meSO platform to be directed to the user generated content you uploaded on your profile. Any additional information you provide such as hashtags and captions will also be captured.

meSO may aggregate or collect non-personally identifiable data. But this is not subject to this Privacy Policy.

How we use your information

Your data will be used to deliver our Terms of Service. All information is used to enhance and use the functionalities on the meSO app.

We may also use your data to promote the platform, provide customized advertisements and better recommendations.

The following specifies ways we use your information:

  • To process requests for products, services, and functionality of our platform, and provide assistance and information necessary for our internal operations, which include but are not limited to troubleshooting, conducting data analysis, executing tests, undertaking research activities, and carrying out statistical and survey evaluations.
  • To collect feedback from you to enhance our services
  • To customize your content. I.e; Based on previous content you have interacted with, we may provide other similar content.
  • To share promotional content from us or from our trusted partners.
  • To enhance the meSO app and gain insights on our app’s customer experiences.
  • To understand and provide more targets advertising.
  • To support the social features of the Platform, we enable you and other users to connect with each other, share, download, and interact with User Content uploaded to the Platform. This functionality is designed to enhance user engagement and community interaction within the Platform.
  • To use your user generated content in our advertising and marketing campaigns
  • To understand your user behaviour across your devices
  • To acquire demographic and qualitative information about you such as age, gender, values, preferences and interests.
  • To communicate with you and inform you of any changes in meSO’s services
  • To detect abuse and other forms of illegal activity such as identity theft and fraud. We also use your personal information to determine if you legally allowed to be on the app (i.el 18 and above age restrictions).
  • To strengthen our terms, conditions and other policies.
  • To improve and utilize our algorithms.
  • Note that we may use your information for any other purposes that are disclosed to you at the time we collect your information or as per your consent.
How we share your information

At meSO, we value your trust deeply, and we do not sell your personal information to third parties. However, it's important for you to know when and with whom your information might be shared for business purposes.

These include:

  • Service providers
  • Legal Requirements
  • Partnerships

For Legal Requirements

We may need to share your information in response to legal requirements such as subpoenas, court orders, or other legal processes. This also includes requests from law enforcement, handling of legal claims, or government inquiries. Such disclosures are necessary to protect and defend the rights, interests, safety, and security of meSO Groupe Inc., our platform, our affiliates, our users, or the public. Additionally, your information might be shared to enforce the terms of the platform, to address legal claims, and to ensure compliance with relevant laws.

With Your Consent

We may share your information for additional purposes when you provide your consent or according to your further instructions. For example, if you share details of your activity on the meSO app with others, these third-party services might collect information about you. This includes data on your activities within the meSO app, and they may inform your connections on these services about your usage of the meSO app, in line with their own privacy policies.

Moreover, if you participate in public activities on the meSO app, be aware that any information you share could be accessed, read, collected, or used by other users. We advise you to exercise caution when disclosing any personal information in these public settings. Please note that we are not responsible for the information you choose to make public.

Your Rights

You have the right to request access to or deletion of the information we have collected about you. To make such a request, please contact us via the email listed in the Contact section at the end of this policy. We will process your request in accordance with relevant laws and after properly verifying your identity. Additionally, we assure you that we do not discriminate against any individual based on the exercise of their privacy rights.

Your Choices
  • You have control over your personal information and how it is collected. If you prefer not to share GPS location data, you can disable the GPS functionality on your mobile device at any time.
  • If you have registered an account with us, you can access, review, and update some of the personal information you've provided by logging into your account. Once logged in, you can make changes using the available features and functionalities to ensure your information remains accurate and up-to-date.

We implement reasonable measures to protect your information against theft, loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. However, it's important to recognize that no data storage system or transmission of data over the Internet or any other public network can be guaranteed to be completely secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the absolute security of any information you transmit to us or store at our site.


Our platform is not designed for children under the age of 18. If we discover that a child under 18 has provided us with personal information, we will take steps to delete such information and terminate their account. If you believe that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under the age of 18, please contact us immediately.


We may update this Privacy Policy periodically to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. When we do update the policy, we will revise the "Last Updated" date at the top of the policy, post the new Privacy Policy, and provide any additional notice required by applicable law. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy regularly when you visit the meSO app to ensure you are informed of our current privacy practices.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, comments, or requests concerning this policy, please reach out to us at:

Mailing Address:
meSO Groupe Inc.
600-1250 Guy Street
Montreal, H3H 2T4,


We welcome your inquiries and feedback regarding our privacy practices.


How we collect information about you
We collect information that you provide when creating an account and using the meSO app. This includes both technical and behavioral data about your interactions with the app. Additionally, we gather information from users who download and use the app without registering an account.

How we use your information
We use your information to provide and enhance the meSO app. This involves improving its functionality and administration to ensure it is effective and dynamic. We also focus on preventing crime and ensuring user safety. With your consent, we use your personal data to deliver targeted advertising and promote the platform.

How we share your information
Your data is shared with third-party service providers that assist us in delivering the meSO app, including cloud storage providers. We also share your information with business partners, other companies within the same group as Communications, content moderation services, measurement providers, advertisers, and analytics providers. In cases where it is legally required or necessary for safety reasons, we may share your information with law enforcement, public authorities, or other third parties.

Your Rights
You have control over your personal data through various settings provided on the meSO app. Your rights include requesting data deletion, correction, a copy of your data, and cessation of data use in certain cases. For any of these actions, you can contact us as specified below, and we will respond in accordance with applicable laws.

How long we keep your information
We retain your information as long as necessary to provide our services and fulfill our contractual obligations. Beyond this, we keep your data only for legitimate business purposes, compliance with legal obligations, or for legal claims, as necessary.

How we notify you of any changes to this Privacy Policy
We notify users of any significant changes to this policy via a notice on the meSO app or other means. Updates are indicated by the "Last Updated" date at the top of the policy. By using the meSO app, you acknowledge that you have read this summary and understand your rights and our practices regarding your personal data.


1. Types of Personal Data We Use

Profile Information

  • What We Collect: When you register on the meSO app, you provide us with information such as your username, date of birth, email address, phone number, profile information, and photographs.

User Content and Behavioral Information

  • User Content: We collect and process content you generate and view, such as photographs, comments, and preferences. This includes information from surveys, challenges, and competitions you participate in.
  • Behavioral Data: We track your usage patterns, including how frequently you use the Platform and your interactions with content.

Inferences and Personalization

  • Personalized Content: Based on your activity and preferences, we infer your interests, gender, and age to personalize the content shown to you. With your consent, this information may also be used to serve personalized advertisements.
  • Content Moderation: We review user-generated content to ensure it adheres to our community guidelines, legal obligations, and to prevent abuse, fraud, and other harmful activities.

Follower and Interaction Data

  • User Engagement: We process data related to your followers, the likes you receive, and responses to your content to personalize your feed and explore potential collaboration opportunities.

Protection and Security

  • Safety Measures: We use this information to prevent spam, detect crime, protect minors, and safeguard the interests of our users and others.

Third-Party Information

  • Shared Data: You may choose to share certain data with us from third-party sources or through your use of the meSO app.


  • User Responsibility: Messages sent to other users are accessible by them, and we are not responsible for how those users use or disclose those messages.

Advertisers and Measurement Partners

When you consent to personalized advertising, we may use your information, such as your mobile advertising ID (provided to us by advertisers and other partners), to match with your profile on the meSO app. This allows us to serve you targeted advertisements. Additionally, we may display ads based on inferences drawn from data supplied by our partners. You have the option to opt out of this personalized ad targeting at any time. To do so, navigate to your app settings, select 'Privacy and safety', then 'Personalization and data', and opt out of 'Ads based on data received from partners'.

We also utilize information from our measurement partners to understand how you interact with our advertising partners' websites. This helps us evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising on the meSO app more accurately.

Technical Information We Collect About You

We collect specific information when you interact with our platform, including when you use the app without creating an account. This information encompasses your IP address, instance IDs (which help us determine which devices receive messages), time zone settings, advertising identifiers, and the app version you are using. We also gather details about the device you use to access the Platform, such as your device model, system, network type, device ID, screen resolution, and operating system. If you log in from multiple devices, we use your profile information to track and connect your activity across these devices.


When you access our Platform using a mobile device, we collect information about your location to tailor your experience. We approximate your location based on your IP address. In some jurisdictions, we may also collect data from the Global Positioning System (GPS) to enhance location accuracy.

Personal Data for Matchmaking

We use your personal data, including contact information and address book entries, to help find matches that are relevant to you. It is important to note that your contact information and address book remain private and are not disclosed. We employ a secure technical system that facilitates matchmaking without transmitting your contact details or address book contents to us in plain text.

Additional Information Collection

We also collect information you provide to us in your correspondence. This helps us better understand your needs and improve our services accordingly.

How We Use Your Personal Data

We use the information we collect about you based on the legal grounds outlined below:

How We Use Your Personal Information

We handle the personal information we collect from you based on the legal justifications provided below:

To Fulfill Our Contractual Obligations to You:

  • Deliver the meSO app and its services.
  • Inform you about updates or changes to our services.
  • Provide assistance to users.
  • Uphold our terms, policies, and conditions.
  • Manage and resolve issues on the meSO app.
  • Customize and personalize content to better suit your interests.
  • Enable interactions and content sharing among users.
  • Operate our messaging service for users who are 16 years old or older.
  • Facilitate your participation in our virtual items program.
  • Communicate with you regarding news and promotional offers.

To Meet Legal Requirements:

  • We utilize your data to deter, address, and mitigate fraud, abuse, illegal activities, and content that could harm other users on the Platform.

In Line with Our Legitimate Interests:

  • Maintain safety and security by monitoring User Content, messages, and metadata against our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.
  • Ensure that content is optimally displayed for you and your device.
  • Analyze usage of the app to enhance and promote it.
  • Highlight trending topics, hashtags, and campaigns.
  • Perform data analyses and test the Platform to maintain its stability and security.
  • Provide ads that are not personalized, helping to keep many services free.
  • Deduce your interests to improve our advertising strategies, including personalized advertising where you have given consent.
  • Assess the impact of our advertising.
  • Refine our algorithms to provide you with the most pertinent content and prevent criminal activities.
  • Conduct surveys about our services, products, and features to gather user feedback.
  • Enable interactive features of the meSO app.
  • Support social features, like allowing users to find you through "Find Friends" or linking you with others based on shared interactions.

Assessing Our Legitimate Interests: When we process your information for our legitimate interests, we conduct an assessment to verify that the use of your personal data is essential for our stated business objectives. This assessment also considers the privacy rights of our users, and we implement protective measures to safeguard your personal information.

3. How We Share Your Personal Data

Business Partners

  • Integration with Social Networks: When you register on our platform using a social network account (e.g., Google), you share your username and public profile with us, and we may share your app ID, access token, and referring URL with the social network.

Service Providers

  • Support Services: We share information and content with service providers, such as cloud services and content moderation firms, to support our business operations and ensure the Platform remains safe and enjoyable.

Analytics and Measurement Providers

  • Improving Platform: We work with analytics providers to enhance the app by tracking your activity across devices and measuring content effectiveness.
  • Advertising Metrics: We share your mobile advertising ID and other device data with measurement companies to assess the performance of ads on our app and how they correlate with your activities on our advertisers’ websites.


  • Aggregated Data Sharing: We provide advertisers with aggregated user information, which is non-specific to individuals, to measure the success of their advertising campaigns and understand how many users viewed or interacted with an ad.

Our Corporate Group

  • Internal Sharing: We may share your information with other entities within our corporate group to facilitate the meSO app’s operation, enhance its functionality, prevent illegal activities, and support users.

Law Enforcement / Legal Obligation

  • Compliance and Protection: We may disclose your information to law enforcement, public authorities, or other third parties when legally required or necessary to:some text
    • Comply with legal processes or requests.
    • Enforce our Terms of Service and other policies, including investigating potential violations.
    • Detect, prevent, or address fraud, illegal activities, or security issues.
    • Protect our rights, property, safety, or that of our users, third parties, or the public, which may involve sharing information for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

Public Profiles

  • Content Visibility: If your profile is public, your content is accessible to anyone on the Platform and may be shared by friends, followers, or third parties such as search engines and news sites. You can control who sees your content by adjusting your privacy settings to 'Private account' in 'Privacy and safety' settings, which limits the visibility and use of your content by others.

Sale or Merger

  • Business Transactions: In the event of selling or buying a business or assets, merging, being acquired, or partnering with other entities, your information may be shared with prospective buyers or sellers. In such transactions, user data could be among the transferred assets.

4. Where We Store Your Personal Data

International Data Transfer

  • Location of Storage: The personal data we collect from you may be transferred to and stored in locations outside of Canada.

Data Transfer Mechanisms

  • Compliance with Canadian Law: When transferring your personal data to countries outside of Canada, we comply with the applicable Canadian privacy laws, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). We ensure that any transfer of your personal data to third countries is protected by appropriate safeguards.
  • International Standards: We utilize contractual agreements and other legally accepted mechanisms to ensure that your data remains protected and that the transfer meets the requirements set forth by Canadian regulations.
  • Access to Safeguards: For more information about the safeguards we use for transferring your data, or to request a copy of the relevant contractual terms, please contact us at:

5. Your Rights

We provide various settings to help you control and manage the personal data we hold about you. You have the following rights:

Access Your Data

  • Right to Information: You have the right to request, free of charge, a confirmation that we process your personal data. You can also request a copy of your personal data.

Delete Your Data

  • Right to Erasure: You can request that we delete all or part of your personal data.

Change or Correct Data

  • Right to Rectification: You can ask us to modify or correct your personal data. You can also update your information using the in-app controls and settings.

Data Portability

  • Right to Portability: You have the right to request a copy of the personal data you provided to us in a machine-readable format.

Object or Restrict Use of Data and Withdraw Consent

  • Right to Object: You can ask us to stop processing some or all of your data, for example, if we do not have a legal right to continue using it. You can also request that we cease processing your data for direct marketing purposes.
  • Withdraw Consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Automatic Decision-Making and Profiling: You can request us to stop making any automatic individual decisions, including profiling. If you object to such processing, we ask that you provide the reason for your objection so that we can review and balance our legitimate interest in processing your personal data against your objection.

Verification and Contact Information

  • Identity Verification: Before we can respond to your request to exercise any of the above rights, you may need to verify your identity or account details.
  • How to Make a Request: To make these requests, please contact us using the information provided below. We will review your request in accordance with applicable laws.

Contact and Responsibility

  • Handling Requests: Our team at Montreal will be responsible for responding to your request within the legally required timeframe.

6. The Security of Your Personal Data

We implement various measures to ensure that your personal data is treated securely and in compliance with this policy. However, it is important to understand that the transmission of information over the internet can never be completely secure. While we take steps such as encryption to protect your personal data, we cannot fully guarantee the security of data transmitted via the meSO app. Therefore, any transmission of your personal data is carried out at your own risk.

Security Measures

  • Technical and Organizational Safeguards: We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to provide a level of security that corresponds to the risks associated with the processing of your personal data and the protection of you and other users.
  • Ongoing Security Enhancements: We regularly maintain and update these measures to continuously improve the security of our systems and protect your data from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse.

External Links and Responsibility

  • Links to Third-Party Sites: Our app may include links to and from the websites of our partners, advertisers, and affiliates. These external websites have their own privacy policies.
  • User Responsibility: If you follow a link to any of these websites, please review their privacy policies before submitting any personal data, as we do not take responsibility for the content or practices of these websites.

By being aware of these security practices and carefully considering the transmission and sharing of your personal data, you can better protect your information and understand the measures we take to keep it secure.

7. How Long We Keep Your Personal Data

We retain your personal data for as long as necessary to provide you with our services, fulfill our contractual obligations, and exercise our rights related to the information involved. When your data is no longer required for providing our services, we keep it only for as long as we have a legitimate business purpose for its retention.

Account Deletion Process

  • Deactivation Period: If you request to delete your account, it will be placed in a deactivated state for 30 days. This period allows you to request the reinstatement of your account.
  • Permanent Deletion: After the deactivation period, your account and associated personal data will be permanently deleted.
  • In-App Messaging Data: Personal data related to in-app messaging will be deleted within 30 days of account cancellation. However, please note that messages you have sent to other users are stored on their devices and cannot be deleted by us.

Extended Retention for Legal Obligations

  • Legal Requirements: There may be instances where we need to retain your data for longer periods in order to comply with legal obligations or to manage legal claims.

8. Information Relating to Children

Our services are not intended for children under the age of 18. If you believe that we may have inadvertently collected personal data from a child under this age, please contact us at:, and we will take appropriate measures to address the issue.

9. Changes to This Policy

We will inform you of any significant changes to this policy by providing notice through the Platform or other means. The “Last Updated” date at the top of this policy indicates the effective date of any changes. It is important to review this policy periodically to stay informed about how your personal data is managed and protected.


meSO Groupe Inc. operates the meSO app and provides its associated services. We process your personal data as described in this policy and in accordance with our Terms of Service.

Contacting Us:

If you have any questions or complaints about this policy, or if you need to contact the Data Protection Officer of meSO Groupe Inc, please email us at:

Verifying Your Identity:

To ensure your safety and to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data, we may request specific information or documents to verify your identity before we can address your requests regarding your data. This information will be used strictly for processing your request, verifying your identity, and responding appropriately.

Limitations to Your Rights:

In certain circumstances, there may be legitimate reasons for us not to fulfill a request. For instance, we may withhold certain information if disclosing it could adversely affect our business, such as compromising our trade secrets or intellectual property. Additionally, we may decline a request for data erasure if retaining the data is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory obligations or to protect our rights in case of disputes. If we are unable to comply with your request, we will explain why.

Additional Contacts:

If you have any doubts or questions about your privacy, your rights, or how to exercise them, please do not hesitate to contact us through the designated "Contact" form on our website. We aim to address and clarify any questions you may have regarding the processing of your personal data.

Access Logs:

We keep your application access logs in a controlled and secure environment for at least six months to comply with legal obligations.

Policy Language:

This Policy was initially drafted in English.